Tuesday 15 March 2011


we have spent more time on improving our thriller film with the tips our peers gave us. some things we could not do as it would involve changing and reshooting the entire film, such as costumes. one of our cons was that "one of the clips is out of focus" after realising this we looked at it in more detail and came to the agreement that we like the look of this effect, so rather than making that shot in focus we change the other ones, i believe this effect makes the opening to our film more intense with the audience left not knowing what will come next, but wanting to know! the music Zoe made was to jumpy, i felt it was too dramatic and high pitch for the atmosphere we where trying to capture, so Zoe went back to changed some of the pitches and played around with tempo resulting in a smoother earie effect that went higher and lower in the right places. another comment was that it is "fairly hard to follow" but as a group we feel that we like how you dont have a story line as yet because it leaves and air of mystery leaving our viewers wanting to watch more.

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